Monday, November 23, 2009

Lecture Two - A Selective History of Computing and the Internet

Today we were introduced to a selective history of Computing and the Internet. We started from the first recognized construction of a computer by a gentleman named Charles Babbage in the 1700's. I found it fascinating that it was his wife who was actually responsible for fixing the mechanical calculators that Babbage conceived, and that she was actually the daughter of the famous poet Byron.

We then continued on through the history of the computer and onto the formation of the Internet. One overriding factor I took from all this was how much the military has been responsible for the development of computers and the Internet. Whilst it hasn't been the only factor as certain, as for want of a better phrase, 'geeky science types' where already developing such technologies such as the Internet before the military. The military injected the capital leading to its rapid expansion. It made we wonder what would have happened if we hadn't had the major wars that prompted this rather rapid escalation of technology. What would have happened if the military hadn't realized the potential benefits technology allowed for military domination, as the US did? These technologies would have developed, but were would it be if the military hadn’t spotted the benefits of using it to kill people?

Something to ponder.

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