Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tutorial 8 - Examining some net.art (by jason nelson)

Game, game, game and again game

How does it make you feel?

I felt a sense of vertigo and disorientation playing this game. I found the squiggly nature of the drawing quite unpleasant to look as well as to move through. I am not a gaming type person so I didn’t enjoy this game at all.

What does it makes you think about?

It make we wonder what the purpose of the pop up text is. It doesn’t seem to be poetry. It seems to just be a random collection of schizophrenic thoughts that is deliberately trying to be disorienting and little else. To be fair, I am not a person that enjoys this type of art. It makes me think what am I doing playing this game.

What are the other media forms that it uses, or is similar to?

Video, music, text and animation. It is similar to his other work.

If we accept that Jason's works are poetry - How do you "read" digital poetry like that?

I don’t accept that Jason’s work as poetry. Again I state I am not a good judge of this form of art, but to me poetry should have some meaning and this does not. I did read Jason’s explanation of the theme of the work but it didn’t ring true for me.


How does it make you feel?

Again it made me feel what am I looking at this for. I just felt confused. Reading the poems that went with the towels didn’t really make any sense to me.

What does it makes you think about?

What am I looking at this for? I am confused.

What are the other media forms that it uses, or is similar to?

It uses Flash animation, music, writing (poem).

If we accept that Jason's works are poetry - How do you "read" digital poetry like that?

I don’t accept that Jason’s work as poetry. Again I state I am not a good judge of this form of art, but to me poetry should have some meaning and this does not. I will try my own poetry in this style to reinforce my point. I’ll use fish as the central theme.

I am still living in the cold, but one day I’ll escape. As long as the sharks are still sleeping amongst the skyscrapers. Perhaps the ozone layer will free me from my watery hell, one day we’ll all find out what happens next. Etc etc. (this took 20 secs)

To me (and I reiterate ME) this doesn’t really show much of anything.

Even Older Classic Cells

How does it make you feel?

Again it made me feel what am I looking at this for. I just felt confused. I liked the Flash animation and the way it moved when clicking in various places.

What does it makes you think about?

Genetics / genetic strands

What are the other media forms that it uses, or is similar to?

It uses Flash animation, and writing to put its message across.

If we accept that Jason's works are poetry - How do you "read" digital poetry like that?

I don’t accept that Jason’s work as poetry. Again I state I am not a good judge of this form of art, but to me poetry should have some meaning and this does not. To me (and I reiterate ME) this doesn’t really show much of anything.

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